Differential translation studies 

Use single case job IDs to perform group case differential analysis:

  • The single case job of Ribo-seq data with the input ID should be completed.
  • At least one replicate for each group
  • Input gene expression matrix (raw read counts) from accompanying RNA-seq data to perform differential translation efficiency analysis (refer here for the gene ID version and gtf file used in RiboToolkit)
  • Use to add and delete replicates

The fields marked by "*" are required!

Select the input type

Input your job IDs

Upload gene expression count for studying translation efficiency and differential translation (optional)

Upload gene expression count matrix 
(The column names in the matrix should be same to the replicate names above and refer here for the gene ID version used for each species)
Test information (mm10)

Parameters for statistics

Fold change of translation efficiency
Statistical significant p-value for differential translation
P-value type for differential translation
Statistical significant p-value for functional enrichments (GO, Pathways and GSEA)
Get an notification when the job is done (optional)