Single case analysis  

Upload your Ribo-seq data to comprehensively study RNA translation:

  • Input file could be in collapsed FASTA format ( How to prepare the FASTA inputs) , accessible web link to the FASTA file, and FASTQ file.
  • To speed the uploading, we highly recommend the users to compress the file into .zip or .gz format
  • Refer here to check the GTF files used for each species.
  • The users can check the RPF metagene plot around translation start sites in the result page for P-site inferring manually and re-run the analysis using "User define" option.

The fields marked by "*" are required!

Select the reference genome and input type

Please choose a species for the analysis

Upload Ribo-seq sequences

Mouse  Human (.fa,, .fa.gz) Mouse (.fq.gz)

Parameters for RPF analysis

Separate multiple sample names by comma ","
Shortest RPF Length Longest RPF Length
Mismatch 0-3
Multiple mapping times
Coverage cutoff for codon pause sites
Coverage cutoff for codon pause sites
Number of codons
Fold change of coverage between pauses and background
P-value cutoff for active translated ORFs
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