Expression analysis  

Upload your INPUT RNA-seq data to count expression for translation efficiency analysis in group case:

  • Input file should be in FASTQ format.
  • To speed the uploading, we require the users to compress the file into .zip or .gz format.
  • You can also calculate the read count by yourself (refer here for the gene ID version and gtf file used in RiboToolkit) and upload the expression matrix in group case.

The fields marked by "*" are required!

Select the reference genome and input type

Please choose a species for the analysis

Upload INPUT RNA-seq sequences

Human (.fq.gz)

Please input or select the adapter
Max. error rate
Min. adapter fragment Length
Remove 5' nucleotides
Remove 3' nucleotides
Minimum read length
Phred quality score
Not space character in the name

Parameters for expression analysis

Mismatch 0-3
Multiple mapping times
Strand-specific read counting.
Get an notification when the job is done (optional)