Differential translation studies 

Use single case job IDs to perform group case differential analysis:

  • Input gene expression matrix and RPF expression matrix (raw read counts) to perform differential translation efficiency analysis.
  • At least one replicate for each group and the INPUT and Ribo-seq sample should be consistent in gene expression matrix and RPF expression matrix.

The fields marked by "*" are required!

Select the input type

Upload gene expression count (both RNA-seq and Ribo-seq) for studying translation efficiency and differential translation

Upload gene expression count matrix 
Test data

Parameters for statistics

Input multiple RNA-seq sample names in the gene count matrix and separate by comma ",", such as "RNA.WT1,RNA.WT2,RNA.KO1,RNA.KO2"
Input Ribo-seq samples in the gene count matrix with the same order to RNA-seq samples and separate by comma ",", such as "RPF.WT1,RPF.WT2,RPF.KO1,RPF.KO2"
Use 1 and 2 to indicate two groups and separate by comma ",", such as 1,1,2,2
Separate two group names by "#"
Fold change of translation efficiency
Statistical significant p-value for differential translation
P-value type for differential translation
Get an notification when the job is done (optional)