Different modification model analysis  

Upload your RNA modification sites:

  • Input file could be in BED format , accessible web link to the BED file.
  • To speed the uploading, we highly recommend the users to compress the file into .zip or .gz format
  • Refer here to check the GTF files used for each species.

The fields marked by "*" are required!

Select the reference genome and input type

Please choose a species for the analysis

Upload modification data

Mouse  Human (.bed, .bed.zip, .bed.gz)

Separate names by comma ","

Parameters for modification site annotation

Flank size for transcription start/end sites (genomic level) Flank size for translation start/end sites and splice sites (transcript level)
Divide gene feature into equal bins (features with length small than this value are excluded)
Scale the length of CDS and UTR in mRNA metagene plot
Motif width (separated by comma for multiple widths, such as 6,7,8 and 5,6)
Use subset of modification sites (score information are required in BED6)
Get an notification when the job is done (optional)