sample: GSM/SRX sample orfID: ORF ID chrom: chromosome strand: Strand codon5: start codon location codon3: stop codon location length: seq length readNum: supporting read number f1: fraction of reads in 1st nucleotides of codons f2: fraction of reads in 2nd nucleotides of codons f3: fraction of reads in 3rd nucleotides of codons entropy: entropy value of read distribution MAXentropy: maximum entropy value of randomized distribution PME: percentage of maximum entropy value codonNum: number of codons with sequencing reads f1max: fraction of codons with 1st nucleotides containing more reads than 2nd and 3rd orfscore: ORF score kozakStrenth: Kozak strenth pred.pvalue: predicted translated probability orfLen: ORF length distanceToStart: Distance from ORF start to transcript start distanceToEnd: Distance from ORF end to mORF start codon n3n: Nucleotide of -3 location from start nucleotide of ORF start codon p4n: Nucleotide of +3 location from start nucleotide of ORF start codon